Our Governing Body
Our governing board is the strategic decision maker and vision setter for Manley Park Primary School. It's members play a vital role in ensuring the best possible education for every child by creating robust accountability for our school leaders. Crucially, that means using and being familiar with objective data on the performance of pupils, teachers and finances to ask the right questions and ensure resources are allocated to school priorities. It also means ensuring that schools prepare pupils for life and the workplace by building their character and resilience and by implementing their Prevent duty to protect them from the risks of extremism and radicalisation.
As we move towards an increasingly school-led system, the importance of our board's role will only continue to grow. A school-led system doesn’t mean our school will be working in isolation; it means that our school becomes fully integrated with our local community and, crucially, that we connect with and learning from each other.
The Essentials of Effective Governance
Our board has three core functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Who they are, committee membership and pecuniary interests
Manley Park Primary School - Governors - September 2023
Full Governing Body Meetings Attendance
Manley Park Primary School - Governors Attendance - 2023-2024
Committee Membership
Curriculum Committee
Gemma Bradley-Rigbye- Chair, Parent Governor
David Manchester - Co-opted Governor
Sarah-Jane Henderson - Headteacher
Michelle England - Parent Governor
Joanne Rogers - Parent Governor
Julie Brenner - Staff Governor
Resources Committee
Ellie Reuter - Chair, Parent Governor
Sarah-Jane Henderson - Headteacher
Vibeke Dawes - Chair of full governors, Co-opted Governor
Farida Vis - Co-opted Governor
Rebecca Alcock - Parent Governor
Iram Cheema- Local Authority Governor
Mark Wooffinden- Parent Governor
Sean Bleasdale- Parent Governor
Pay Progression Committee
Vibeke Dawes
Ellie Reuter
Headteacher's Performance Review Committee
Vibeke Dawes
Staff/Pupil/Parent Voice Working Group
Rushna Avari
Code of Conduct
Governors are responsible for the running of the school.
Broadly, the governors agree:
They have responsibility for determining, monitoring and keeping under review the broad policies, plans and procedures within which the school operates.
They recognise that the head teacher is responsible for the implementation of policy and day-today management of the school and the implementation and operation of the curriculum.
They accept that all governors have equal status, and although appointed by different groups (i.e., parents, staff, local authority, diocese) their overriding concern will be the welfare of the school as a whole.
They have no legal authority to act individually, except when the Governing Body has given them delegated authority to do so.
They have a duty to act fairly and without prejudice, and in so far as they have responsibility for staff, they will fulfil all the legal expectations as, or on behalf of, the employer.
They will encourage open government and should be seen to be doing so.
They will consider carefully, how our decisions may affect other schools.